La description

Qatar University is an intellectual and scholarly community founded in 1973 and characterized by open discussion, the free exchange of ideas, respectful debate, and a commitment to rigorous inquiry.

All members of the University - faculty, staff, and students - are expected to advance the scholarly and social values embodied by the university.

Qatar University has grown and progressed significantly since 1979, gaining a wealth of academic, research and institutional accomplishments that have served to position us as an effective partner in the Qatari society and one of the leading universities in the region.

QU is further growing in international reputation as evidenced by our ranking of 11th among 100 universities in the MENA region. Added to this, is a growing number of highly-popular specialist Masters and PhD programs, multiple significant research successes, an ambitious research roadmap fielding national development priorities, and a large body of talented sought-after graduates. We also boast a large portfolio of internationally-accredited colleges and programs that attest to a high level of excellence and quality.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Owner 14 Projects
  • Developer 7 Projects


Qatar University n'a pas encore ajouté de certifications.


Qatar University n'a pas encore ajouté de prix.


Head Office
Al Jamiaa Street
P. O. Box: 2713

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