La description

Mobin Mining & Road construction Company is the largest subset of Arshholding and one of the most powerful private companies which has been the pioneer in mining operations in Iran. Established in 1989, Mobin has carried out more than one billion tons of mining and stripping operations in different mines of Iran. With a focus on the maximum use of successful experiences, comprehensive management and creation with the sense of confidence in the employers, this Company has been placed in the first rank with respect to volume of mining operations in Iran and Middle East.

Mobin has been working as a powerful and reliable lever for clients and government authorities specially National Iranian Copper Industries Company (NICICO), Iran Minerals Production and Supply Company (IMPASCO) and Iranian Mines & Mining Industries Development & Renovation Organization (IMIDRO).


Mobin Mining & Road Construction Company n'a pas encore ajouté d'activité commerciale.


Mobin Mining & Road Construction Company n'a pas encore ajouté de certifications.


Mobin Mining & Road Construction Company n'a pas encore ajouté de prix.


Tehran Office - Head Office
No.92 Typical Buiding, Mirza-e Shirazi St. Tehran, Iran
Tehran Province

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