La description

IBI Group was founded in 1974 by nine partners to provide professional services in planning and design for urban development and transportation. From the beginning, they integrated different professional disciplines to provide comprehensive services to clients.
IBI Group is a global team of dedicated and experienced architects, engineers, planners, designers and technology professionals who share a common desire to help their clients create livable, sustainable, and advanced urban environments.
IBI Group professionals exercise a broad and sophisticated knowledge base that spans urban design and planning, building and landscape architecture, engineering, advanced transportation management and traffic systems, real estate analysis, communications specializations, and software development and many other areas of expertise.
From high-rises to industrial buildings, schools to state-of-the-art hospitals, transit stations to highways, airports to toll systems, bike lanes to parks, they design every aspect of a truly integrated city for people to live, work, and play.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Design Architect 20 Projects
  • Infrastructure Consultant 9 Projects
  • Lead Consultant 4 Projects
  • Feasibility Consultant 4 Projects
  • Master Plan Architect 2 Projects
  • Transport/Traffic Planning Consultant 2 Projects
  • Traffic Consultant 1 Project
  • Supervision Consultant 1 Project
  • Environmental Consultant 1 Project
  • Landscape Architect 1 Project
  • Architect of Record 1 Project


  • ISO 9001
    Issuer: PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP  -  Valable jusque: Mar 23, 2018


Nom du prix Organisation émettrice Date de publication
Best Mental Health Development 18th Annual Building Better Healthcare Awards
Silver International Green Apple Award The Green Organization
Best Urban High-Rise Urban Development Institute Awards for Excellence
Best Design of a Parking Facility International Parking Institute
Award for Planning Excellence Canadian Institute of Planners (CIP)


9th Floor, Executive Heights Tower
Abdulla Omran Taryam Street, Tecom Area
PO Box 454858

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