La description

Arup Associates was founded in 1963 as Ove Arup’s blueprint for a radical new type of architect-engineer relationship, integrating the disciplines in search of unified design.

Arup Associates is an architectural design studio, studio within the international consulting engineering group Arup. They are part of a global legacy associated with excellence and innovation in the built environment. They center their approach on creating beautiful, effective and technologically advanced buildings that encourage people to fulfill their potential.

Collaborative by nature and informed by Ove Arup’s belief in ‘total design’, they understand that built space will be inspirational when all of its components work in harmony. At Arup Associates, they are not interested in formalist solutions. It is this philosophy that informs their award-winning, holistic design approach.

They pride on their power to transform people’s everyday experiences and their ability to work with clients from a wide range of industries and geographies. They are international leaders across a range of sectors, with experts in sports and sports venue design, commercial, transport and science and industry.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Design Architect 1 Project
  • Geotechnical Consultant 1 Project
  • Infrastructure Consultant 1 Project


Arup Associates n'a pas encore ajouté de certifications.


Arup Associates n'a pas encore ajouté de prix.


8 Fitzroy Street London W1T 4BJ United Kingdom
United Kingdom

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