At SASREF, they are embarking upon a very exciting journey into the future, with aspiring vision to outperform their past best performance in order to meet the challenges that lie ahead. Everyone at SASREF is part of its remarkable story and everyone has been part of its remarkable achievements and overall success so far! They built their work culture on a firm foundation of the four important and significantly-relevant corporate Values in which they strongly believe: SAFETY, PEOPLE, ETHICS, and EXCELLENCE, On SAFETY, their process safety has reached a significant level of compliance, causing SASREF to rank among one of the top leading refineries in Process Safety. On PEOPLE, they believe that their people are truly their most important asset. They are the source of their strength and inspiration. When it comes to ETHICS, they are totally committed to a strict code of conduct, fairness, and equality as foundational to our very sustainability. They have zero tolerance for unethical practices and behaviors.