Mohamed Ruqait Properties. property management depends on a strategy based on diversifying between commercial and residential units, creating distinctive new real estate projects combines privacy and excellent location that suits all community groups, aiming through its projects to contribute in a harmonious constructional expansion, creating a social mixture enrich with its riches Ras Al Khaimah.
The ultimate goal of the company is to allow everyone getting decent housing and a special location for business activity and thus contributing to the economic and social development of regions that embraces our projects. “Mohamed Ruqait Properties..” Seeking qualitative change in how people view life in the heart of cities, through innovative solutions encourages social interaction, respect for culture, heritage, and take care of the environmental issues.
The residential and business units have been designed very carefully in cooperation with a bunch of leading experts and specialists in their fields to match the architectural lessons learned from the past with the latest environmentally friendly technologies available at the present time, this cooperation resulted in the birth of a new architectural language, closely related to its surroundings characterized by a spirit that express Ras al Khaimah.