The designers at Meléndrez are passionate about transforming the urban environment, and improving quality of life, while upholding three core values: context, people, and impact. We believe that great design, informed by history, culture and people, and underpinned with environmental ethics, can result in artful, unique, site-specific, and well-crafted spaces that create tremendous value for clients and users. The firm was founded nearly three decades ago in Los Angeles, and today remains very engaged in the invigorated Downtown LA design and business community, while taking on projects around the globe.
Our staff of landscape architects, urban planners and urban designers engages our clients at a high level and collaborate to identify and implement the most appropriate solution. The breadth of our services, from upstream vision, policy, and planning at regional, community and neighborhood scales, through to site specific design and construction administration, enables us to bring a broad view, as well as a reality check, to each assignment we undertake.