Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos (FINEP) - Financier
Finep - Innovation and Research - is a public company linked to MCTIC. It was created in 1967 to institutionalize the Fund for Financing Studies of Projects and Programs, created in 1965. Finep subsequently replaced and expanded the role previously played by the National Bank for Economic and Social Development (BNDES) and its Technical Development Fund (FUNTEC), constituted in 1964 with the purpose of financing the implementation of postgraduate programs in Brazilian universities. In 1969, the Government established the FNDCT - National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development, to finance the expansion of the S & T system, with Finep as Executive Secretary from 1971. In the 1970s Finep promoted intense mobilization in the scientific community , By funding the implementation of new research groups, the creation of thematic programs, the expansion of S & T infrastructure and the institutional consolidation of research and graduate studies in the country. It also stimulated the articulation between universities, research centers, Consulting firms and contractors for services, products and processes. C, T & I initiatives of companies in partnership with Scientific and Technological Institutions, which had great economic success, are also associated with Finep financing, such as, For example, the development of the EMBRAER Tucano aircraft, which paved the way for the company's aircraft to become an important item on the export agenda; A large HR training program in Brazil and abroad, as well as numerous EMBRAPA and university projects, which were essential for the technological development of the Brazilian agricultural system, making it one of the most competitive in the world; Petrobras HR research and training projects, in partnership with universities, which contributed to the field of oil exploration technology in deep waters and are making the country achieve self-sufficiency in the sector.