
Federal Electricity & Water Authority (FEWA) was established in 1999 under the Federal Law No. 31 of 1999 to carry out the duties assigned by Ministry of Electricity and Water in achieving several objectives. Its Main objective is to cater the needs of Electricity and potable Water for the population of the Northern Emirates. To achieve this main objective FEWA has to create a balance between the cost of production and the distribution price in consideration with unifying the existing variable pricing strategies, study the consumption behaviors and create awareness to overcome the waste of electricity and water by consumers. FEWA also has to develop and improve revenue collection processes. One of its objectives is also to provide qualification and training to the citizens making them able to work in FEWA.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Developer 103 Projects
  • Owner 14 Projects
  • Infrastructure Consultant 14 Projects
  • FEED Consultant 1 Project


Federal Electricity & Water Authority has not yet added certifications.


Federal Electricity & Water Authority has not yet added awards.



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