
Founded on the knowledge and experience of Eroğlu Holding that are based on the trade history of it which was started with textile and which has reached about 30 years, Eroğlu Property carries out activity in the fields of house, shopping centre and commercial real estate.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Developer 2 Projects


Eroğlu Holding has not yet added certifications.


Eroğlu Holding has not yet added awards.


Head Office

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1. Add information
- Look for the blue texts with the [image] prompts and click to complete each section on the current tab. Click on the tabs under your company name to move between them. Remember, the more information you add, the better potential partners will be able to evaluate you.
2. Publish to the company registry
- Once you have added your logo, company description, one office, two projects, one key employee and your team breakdown, you can publish your profile to ProTenders' company registry. To be listed, you MUST COMPLETE the company verification process so we can add your activity codes (see Activities section on Profile tab).