Emirates Real Estate Cooperation ( EREC ) has emerged as one of the distinguished and prestigious national organizations operating in the UAE real estate sector. Since its establishment in 2000, it has served to make a valuable contribution to the overall development and growth of the national economy. As a result of its strong institutional capacity, high level of professional’s and strong business partnerships across all levels of economic activity, EREC has made a significant contribution to the efficiency and effectiveness of the overall government operations.
Perhaps one of the most important achievements of the Corporation was its ability to create a very tangible, strong and cooperative partnership between the private and the public sectors in the real estate industry, indeed, EREC role has expanded way beyond operating simply within the government sector. Today, EREC works with some 400 local and international companies with specific areas of expertise and carefully selected as registered members to EREC. These local firms provide a variety of support to EREC’s work ranging from project management to consultancy, actual construction and auxiliary supplies.
EREC was established through the federal law No. 7 in 2000 with a paid up capital of AED 500 million and an overall mission of designing and construction of properties to meet the real estate needs of the government. Tenants include a variety of government entities ranging from ministries to federal authorities. EREC provides full maintenance services to all of its tenants that meet the highest international standards and specifications.
EREC is guided by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the Deputy Ruler of Dubai, Minister of Finance and Industry, who is the Chairman of EREC Board of Directors. The Board itself comprises of eight members who are appointed for three - years tenure by the UAE Cabinet. Five of the Board members constitute an Executive Committee, which oversees the day – to - day operations of EREC and reports directly to the Board of Directors.