ARKITECTONICA is a group of highly dedicated architects, engineers and planners offering innovative engineering service that is tailored to the need of the Client. Exceeding customer expectation is our main objective; we excel to achieve that objective. Since the establishment of ARKITECTONICA, we were committed to provide a high quality engineering services that satisfy the needs and requirements of the Client through employing distinguished and professional engineers and architects in addition to providing the technical and managerial systems and tools. ARKITECTONICA offers a full range of architectural design services from initial space planning, landscape architecture, design conceptualization through construction documents. The firm also offers construction management, site supervision, value engineering studies, feasibility of real estate development and technical & financial evaluation of properties. The fundamentals of our practice entail crafting thoughtful site designs that reveal the senses of place unique to its commission. With a focus on long-term sustainability, we provide site solutions that satisfy the Client’s needs while strengthening the relationship between social, cultural and traditional design aspect. Architectonica will be one of the leaders in implementing modern concepts in Engineering Consulting which is represented by considering any project as a partnership of all involve parties. The success of the partnership is by default a success for the project.