Engineering Innovation Design; Consulting (EIDC) consists of highly qualified, well experienced and committed professionals in the fields of Architecture, Structural Engineering, Building Services, Quantity Surveying, Construction Quality Control and Project Management.
It is a subsidiary of Engineering Innovation LLC, a limited liability company registered as per the Companies Act of the Sultanate of Oman.
It is registered with the Oman Tender Board as an ‘excellent grade’ consultancy.
It provides a broad spectrum of services ranging from project feasibility studies to project marketing.
It also has in house facilities for providing associated services like topographic surveying and model making.
To broaden the scope of our services further, it has entered into strategic alliances with selected specialist foreign consulting engineering organizations, that place us in a unique position to provide consulting engineering services that involve the highest of professional challenges, in diverse fields.
EIDC Oman is set up with the purpose of making consulting engineering services of the highest international standards, more accessible and affordable to the general clientele in Oman.
It strives to maximize the returns of Clients from their projects, by providing them with the right professional assistance that ensures the least life cycle cost and the best possible value for money.