
DMA was established in 1989, as a diversified architectural firm and as the corner-stone for the DMG foundation; one of the leading entities in Real Estate Development in Egypt.

DMA carries more than 25 years of extensive experience in delivering architectural and engineering services covering urban planning, architectural & landscape design, construction supervision & interior design for all the real estate developments & facility sectors.

They go deeply in life to envisage the usage of the designed facility or development on-hand. The design reflects clearly the needs and requirements of the facility user whether it is a mixed-use development, a residential complex or an office building, they visualize and design it “inside–out”.

DMA’s ultimate goal is to create the optimal satisfaction balance for both the facility user and project owner ultimately fulfilling their needs & aspirations. They achieve this through their extensive research methodology on the facility or project user’s front, blended with their rigorous knowledge of the real estate development sector and market exposure over the years. They are teamed with ongoing value-engineering and dedication without compromising on the development’s unique design or sustainability.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Design Architect 5 Projects
  • Structural Engineer 3 Projects
  • Lead Consultant 3 Projects
  • MEP Engineer 2 Projects
  • Supervision Consultant 1 Project


Dar Al Mimar Architects Company has not yet added certifications.


Dar Al Mimar Architects Company has not yet added awards.


Cairo Office - Head Office
3rd Floor, Building 8
8 Al Fateh Street
Cairo Governorate

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