Government of Bihar established BUIDCO on 16th of June, 2009 with a view to accelerate infrastructure development activities across all cities. GOB is 100% shareholder in BUIDCO, which makes it a flagship company to execute infrastructure projects in the State.
BUIDCO finds inspiration in the greatest praise ever made for Indian cities by a foreigner. "Having crossed the river, and descended south for a yojana, came to the town of Pataliputtra, in the kingdom of Magadha, the city where King Asoka ruled. The city, which exists now as of old, was made by spirits which he employed, and which piled up the stones, reared the walls and gates, and executed the elegant carving and inlaid sculpture-work,-in a way which no human hands of this world could accomplish .... The cities and towns of this country are the greatest of all in the Middle Kingdom ...."
The vision of BUIDCO is to become an organization of excellence resembling the revolutionary the revolutionary development of Bihar in such a manner the urban landscape of Bihar can become a role model for the civilization to come.
BUIDCO will be the company of preference when any plan of urban infrastructure wants to become a reality. BUIDCO will stimulate the quality of life in urban centers to make them places of joy, comfort and prosperity.