Aspiravi consists of a multidisciplinary team of experienced and motivated employees who together guarantee the realization of high-quality projects. Our team follows every project from start to operation for our different types of installations: from prospecting and contracting to project development and financing, to engineering, realization and operation.
Over the past 15 years we have realized many innovative projects in the renewable energy sector, building a solid reputation in the process. An open business culture and short lines of communication characterize the Aspiravi Group. We work in an extremely professional and dynamic manner.
Aspiravi Holding has 4 shareholders: the holding companies CREADIV NV, EFIN NV, FINEG NV and NUHMA NV. 96 Belgian municipalities are shareholders of these 4 holding companies. Furthermore, the Vlaamse Energieholding (VEH / Flemish Energy Holding) is also a shareholder of Aspiravi NV. These are all stable and solvent shareholders who can handle and promote the growth of our company. The shareholder structure of the Aspiravi Group ensures local anchoring whereby the revenues from our investments return to the residents of the 96 municipalities.