
Apex has been a goal foreseen by enterprising dynamic and versatile mind was realized in year 1993. Eventually the founder Mr. S.P.Singh Oberoi, Chairman’s dream was coming true as the unit he started kept growing rapidly. Now after more than a decade in Gulf, it is enormously reputed organization which is not only confined to trading of branded products but has launched wide variety of its own brand i.e. “APEX” products. The company is driven by commitment for continuous improvement and building up existing strength in developing new competence. With image of reliability & integrity the aim is to serve an old & new relations.

It is the trademark of the company that only specialized items are chosen and launched in the market so that the contracting agencies and business houses are benefited maximum. Apart from this it is assured that new products are easy to operate, handle & simple to understand. The use of these products in various situations is always demonstrated by team professionals and sales executives.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Dewatering Contractor 7 Projects


Apex Emirates General Trading has not yet added certifications.


Apex Emirates General Trading has not yet added awards.


Ajman, United Arab Emirates
PO Box 20550

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1. Add information
- Look for the blue texts with the [image] prompts and click to complete each section on the current tab. Click on the tabs under your company name to move between them. Remember, the more information you add, the better potential partners will be able to evaluate you.
2. Publish to the company registry
- Once you have added your logo, company description, one office, two projects, one key employee and your team breakdown, you can publish your profile to ProTenders' company registry. To be listed, you MUST COMPLETE the company verification process so we can add your activity codes (see Activities section on Profile tab).