
Al Zamil Metal Works Factory is well known in Saudi Arabia for the design, supply and manufacture of steel products including Pressure Vessels and associated PIPING; Storage Tanks (shop fabricated and field erected); Flare STACKS and Chimneys, Silos, Ducts and Chutes, Structures and Piping Fabrication.

The company is also engaged in refineries and other related industries.

Over the years AZMWF has been involved in a range of projects both big and small, and has performed to a great acclaim, as is clear from numerous letters of appreciation the company has received from project managers. We are proud of our unblemished reputation for quality service and the work that left untold numbers of satisfied clients, many of whom required special and unique engineering, fabrication and installation solutions.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Mechanical Contractor 5 Projects
  • Other Specialized Contractor 2 Projects


Al Zamil Metal Works Factory has not yet added certifications.


Al Zamil Metal Works Factory has not yet added awards.


Jeddah Office - Head Office
Phase# 5 Industrial Area, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Jeddah 21493 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
PO Box 13168
Makkah Province
Saudi Arabia

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