Al Falah Security Services (AFSS) is committed to provide a professional security team and provide solutions that will reduce the loss in your organization; we develop solutions that focus on ensuring business continuity. Minimizing the physical risks to your employees and assets are top priority and will feature high in any solution we provide. We carry out extensive risk assessments to identify strengths and weaknesses of assets and advice on adequate security arrangements that we feel are appropriate to any circumstances.
Our team of professionals have the knowledge, qualifications and experience to recommend security measures that address risk, protect people, property, assets and reputation, whilst complementing business operations, that includes daily inspections by Supervisors from the Operations team, Patrolling inspectors available round the clock, Provision of daily and weekly reports. Support in the event of emergencies and during normal deployments. Support from highly experienced management staffs for any Security assistance on site, Customer Feedback and Complain Mechanism in place.
AFSS Provides Training on client Standard Operating Procedures / Post Orders. All staffs are licensed as per Abu Dhabi Police Department (PSBD) and DPS requirements. AFSS is a private firm that maintains excellent relationships with all the key players in government security services.