AlDhafra Co-operative Society (ADCS) was established in 1977 by a supreme decree of late Sheikh Zayed Bin Sultan AlNahyan for the purpose of improving the social and economic conditions of Al DhafraRegion inhabitants, through the provision of retail and wholesale of foodstuff.
Sincethen, ADCS owns (11) supermarkets and stores invarious cities of the region and Musaffah. ADCS is distinguished byproviding highly efficient service and quality variable products to meetclients’ satisfaction.
In1982 ADCS activities were broadened for to achieve better returns to itsshareholders by covering the scope of oil and gas field services at theRegion through the provision of variety of logistics services, including;operation and maintenance of heavy machineries and equipment, light and heavytransportation as well as supply of skilled and unskilled labor. These werefurther expanded to the provision of public bus transportation to the DMAT at AlDhafra Region, as well as hospitality and cleaning services to Al DhafraMunicipality. ADCS is keen to provide competent professional services throughproficient personnel holding the highest levels of efficiency andqualifications, while warranting quality, professional, HSE and securitymeasures.
Ourfleet of transportation comprises more than 1000 light vehicles and more than300 heavy equipment and machines serving reputable clients of the ADNOC Groupof Companies and other entities in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi.
ADCSis a pioneer in the field of real estate investment and development in MadinatZayed, Gayathi, Liwa, Marfa’ and Sila’ represented by shopping malls,commercial stores, villas and housing units.
Since1977 and over the last 40 years, ADCS has been playing an essential role indeveloping the local society through its corporate social responsibility (CSR)towards supporting the nationals, social, sports and educational entities.