La description

Formed in January 2016, Feilo Sylvania is 80% owned by Shanghai Feilo Acoustics Co., Ltd, which is principally engaged in the manufacture and distribution of lighting equipment. Headquartered in Shanghai, Shanghai Feilo Acoustics Co Ltd was founded in 1984 and is China’s first joint-stock company (SH 600651). The company reorganised its M&A on a large scale in 2014 and became a joint enterprise comprising companies including Shanghai Yaming Lighting Company Limited, Beijing Shen’an Group as well as Shanghai Sunlight Enterprise Company Limited. With the acquisition of Havells Sylvania, Feilo has gained manufacturing bases, logistics centres, R&D technology centres around the world, as well as market access in 48 countries.

Feilo Sylvania is a leading, full-spectrum provider of professional and architectural lighting solutions. Built on over a century of expertise in lamps and luminaires, Feilo Sylvania supplies internationally state-of-the-art products and systems to the public, commercial and private sectors. Feilo Sylvania strives to deliver the finest products, service and consulting possible. All over the world, people rely on group business divisions: Concord, Luminance and Sylvania, for top quality, energy-efficient solutions to suit their individual lighting needs.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Light Fixtures and Fittings Supplier 42 Projects
  • Light Fixtures & Fittings Manufacturer 37 Projects


  • ISO 9001
    Issuer: DAKKS  -  Valable jusque: Sep 14, 2018
  • ISO 14001
    Issuer: DAKKS  -  Valable jusque: Sep 14, 2018


Sylvania n'a pas encore ajouté de prix.


Dubai Airport Free Zone Authority
LIU, I-15

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