
Developer Centric.
Results Driven.
Intelligent Real Estate.

At Devmark, we pride ourselves on three deliverables as part of our approach to the Journey To Sale to offer developer-centric, Results Driven, Intelligent Real Estate strategies and solutions. These three key phases of intelligence are Strategy, Marketing, and Sales and technology.

We offer our clients the expert IP and industry experience at each landmark moment as well as the widest broker and sales relationship network in Dubai. From purchase of the land(development design) to sales of the final product. Whatever stage a development is at we deliver strategy, marketing, broker relations, sales, and technological enablement to deliver with optimal ROI and a pace across the Journey To Sale.


Sales & Marketing Strategy
Strategic positioning
Competitor analysis and benchmarking
Unit pricing & phasing
Devise broker engagement strategy
Real estate advisory
Conceptualization of the product offering
Buyer personas and audience analysis
Unit release strategy

Our Technology
We offer the region two unique
applications that have been custom-built to
digitally transform and optimize the buyer
journey from viewings to sales.

Agent View is the only English and Arabic live virtual viewing platform of its kind in the world with integrated video conferencing. This consumer-facing application gives your agents the power to sell at speed as well as any buyer from the world to engage in viewings seamlessly and conveniently from their screen. Plus, it offers tours, live chat, and lead generation that provide a true digitally transformed property viewing experience.

Reach Overseas Buyers

Increase Agent Productivity

Capture New Leads

Safe & Convenient


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Marketing Consultant 20 Projects
  • Real Estate Broker 20 Projects


Devmark has not yet added certifications.


Award Name Issuing Organization Issued Date
Best Property Consultancy Dubai 2021-2022 Arabian Property Awards


Anantara Downtown, Business Tower
Anantara Downtown, Business Tower, Business Bay, Dubai, UAE
27th Floor

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1. Add information
- Look for the blue texts with the [image] prompts and click to complete each section on the current tab. Click on the tabs under your company name to move between them. Remember, the more information you add, the better potential partners will be able to evaluate you.
2. Publish to the company registry
- Once you have added your logo, company description, one office, two projects, one key employee and your team breakdown, you can publish your profile to ProTenders' company registry. To be listed, you MUST COMPLETE the company verification process so we can add your activity codes (see Activities section on Profile tab).