Al Ahad Al Muzher Trading LLC (Amtrad) was incorporated in the year 1998. Over the years they have diversified into several different fields and is now one of Oman’s fastest growing construction conglomerates focused on being part in building the national infrastructures & assets.
Amtrad’s activity areas include Turnkey Construction Projects, Earth Moving Contracts, Fabrication works, Carpentry works, M.E.P works, Interior Design Works etc. They commenced their operations by undertaking works for approximately RO. 35,000.000, commanding a very limited facilities and supports. Now, they have the financial & infrastructural facilities, men & materials and credit supports from banks, suppliers, sub-contractors etc to execute projects of over RO. 5.0 million. They have a unique business model, with proven expertise in innovative thinking, project and cost management. They are focused on delivering high quality work within budgeted time and costs, as evident in the various accolades and repeat business.
Their key objectives have also been to continuously widening the operating base and enhance the order book, thus opening new avenues to growth and profitability. They have also developed an appropriate blend of entrepreneurs and hands on professionals, constantly thinking & executing innovative and cost effective solutions to clients’ requirements.